Monday, January 28, 2013

Cute Ways to Ask Someone to Prom and Other Dances

Sooooooo my winter formal is coming up and I have spent forever trying to find some cute way to ask this guy I have a thing with to our Sadie Hawkins Winter formal dance (which we all know is just a valentines day dance is disguise) so here are some cute ways i found and will be using :) 

  • Order a pizza and write on the inside "I know this is Cheesy but will you go to ______ with me?" - and just insert what ever dance you are asking this someone to. 
  • Find an easy puzzle (or hard one if you want to be difficult ;) and paint over top of the picture then write "Will you go to ___________ with me"- just insert your dances name in the blank. Once you've done that take the puzzle apart and then the next day give it to the person your asking. 
  • (My best friend got asked to a dance this way) Make/buy a cheese cake (or a cake) and write in chocolate chips/icing "Winter Formal?" on top of the cheese cake or cake. 
  • Bake cookies and decorate each one with a different letter spelling out "Winter Formal" on each individual cookie then give them to the person your asking.
  • Send your date a letter asking them to the dance in a completely different language after making sure with your language then make sure with the teacher everything is spelled right and has good punctuation send it to him/her and hopefully they will be smart enough to translate it or go to a teacher and get help translating it. 
  • Write a note asking your person of choice to the dance then put it in  a box, then bigger box, and another box, and another, till you've run out of boxes and send it to your date 
  • Cover his or her car with sticky notes and have either each sticky note say "Winter formal/Prom/Homecoming" or cover the whole car in one color then write out "prom" on the car in another color. 
  • Get on the school announcements and ask your crush to the dance-everyone loves someone with confidence not cockiness confidence 
  • Write out "Prom/Homecoming/Winter Formal" on their drive way in chalk
  • Put little lanterns or candles on someones walkway or preferably driveway spelling out "Prom" 
  • Write on someones windshield "Prom?" 
  • Go eat at a Chinese or Japanese restaurant and use something long and skinny to push the fortune out of the other end of the fortune cookie and then use the same thing to push a note into the fortune cookie that says "In your future you will be going to the dance with the amazing girl/guy sitting next to you." 
  • Make a deal with your to be dates math teacher and have each kid in the class but your to be date get a sheet of paper that has a this is just a joke sit tight and keep absolutely silent but then give your to be date a test with a bunch of complex/quick (depending on the teacher) math questions and at the end have it say "This test won't count if you go to Prom with me" (you can substitute this with any teacher- English/History i think would be best or even during your study hall) 

Have fun with these i hope they have helped :)